Best Senior Internet Providers

This is an actual letter to the CEO of a Senior Living Company; for amenity purposes some of the names and facts have been changed.
Dear Mr. Stern, My name is Anthony with Fiber Stream and we have been working closely with Robert Jones to offer an affordable, enterprise class WiFi solution for all of your residents, staff and health professionals at “The Springs Senior Living”. The industry can no longer ignore the importance of WiFi access in the Senior Living space, not just for staff and medical professionals but also for the residents. The ability to connect "all things Internet" within the entire facility (I.E. grid sensors, medical equipment, medical record keeping, security, personal health devices and whatever else the future has in store) will be the standard very soon.
Additionally, consider easy to access WiFi as an all-inclusive amenity is the future for all MDU's not just Senior Living. I applaud “The Springs Senior Living” for considering our innovative solution. Robert and I have worked hard to customize our offerings to fit all of the technology, security and budget objectives of your property. Robert has conveyed to me that he is confident that our solution is the best fit for “The Springs Senior Living” and that he believes it will fulfill on what REALLY MATTERS to the residents, staff and the future that senior living is. He is a visionary and has proven to me he understands what it takes to be competitive now and into the future. Our proposal is to install our flagship services to the entire property (Move-In Ready / Property-Wide WiFi) in exchange for a one-time upfront installation cost (under 68k before taxes) and a recurring monthly bandwidth/management cost ($15.40 per door per month). a) Additional benefits to the residents would include property-wide mobility, ease of use, reliability and blazing speeds. Premier internet access for much less than they are currently paying Comcast or Century Link. Seniors love our services because they don't have to "know technology"; just click and connect! We also hold tech parties several times a year to help residents to understand the WiFi and their devices. As you can image this is where we get a lot of adoring fans. Lastly, family and guests will have an unparalleled Internet experience when visiting their loved ones. b) The benefits for CSL include an enterprise class WiFi infrastructure for your entire facility; allowing the staff and medical professionals access anywhere, while reducing cost in several key areas.
Moreover, increased resident satisfaction, loyalty and cost savings will also benefit CSL. The added prestige and marketing possibilities to the younger families who tour the property for/with their parents will be a compelling sales factor. Families will undoubtedly appreciate the ability to Skype and connect with parents/grandparents etc. via video chat. I'm sure many families will also be thankful that they no longer need to assist in the everyday I.T. concerns of their loved ones. Obviously the newly renovated Assisted Living wing is scheduled for WiFi regardless of your vendor choice; why not take the opportunity to spend some of your already budgeted resources on future proofing the entire facility rather than just the one building? Furthermore, if you ever choose to offer WiFi and Internet as an amenity down the road; you will already have the infrastructure in place (we see the entire industry shifting to this in the very near future). In our experience, we have found that current corporate strategy nationally around I.T. has been to: a) Stick to the status quo; stick to what you know b) Keep ALL networks in house; providing both network and job security for the I.T. department
c) Have ALL I.T. done by the I.T. department; regardless of economies of scale revenue opportunities or efficiency. This type of rationale until now has been logical and appropriate in most cases. However, our company is DISRUPTING that thinking and logic in the MDU space, specifically with WiFi and Internet access. We are certainly NOT suggesting we will replace your I.T. department, we are merely saying let an experienced company like ours manage the "Front of the House" portion of the network (resident facing segment of the network). It is important to have a niche focused group to perform this because the customer/technical and desk top support alone would inundate most IT departments. Clearly, most corporations see value in maintaining "back of the house" segments of the network; this is understandable. Most corporations however are not aware that specialized ISP's (Internet Service Providers) such as ourselves and corporate I.T. departments can NOW co-op a network and still maintain the complete control and integrity of valuable company network segments. Many CEO's, owners and property management companies are uninformed as to all the possibilities when it comes to Internet access for their residents, staff and facilities. Our solution and knowledge will create huge savings for your entire portfolio of properties. Further, the opportunity to change an expense into a return (I.E. ancillary income opportunities and or maximizing resident satisfaction and loyalty) is a corporate game changer. In summary, there is a better, more affordable option NOW available that I wanted you to be aware of. The future of WiFi in your industry is an unavoidable certainty; why not use your current budget to capitalize on that now? If you are interested in learning more about this, we should have a quick 15 min conversation. Does this work for you? If so let me know your availability. We look forward to an innovative and valuable conversation.
Best Regards,
Team Fiber Stream